A friendly reminder…

that you’re papers are due to my office by 3pm tomorrow, after which time they will be late and incur the usual penalty–so don’t lollygag.

In other news, I’m sad to report that I won’t be able to use my tickets to see this guy on Friday night:

First to claim them gets them!

Presentations begin next week

Final Presentation Guidelines

On Tuesday Nov 27th we will begin our final presentations. The schedule is as follows.

  • Tues 11/27: Jessica, Kenny, Brittani
  • Thurs 11/29: Carla and Julie
  • Tues 12/4: Keila and Danny
  • Thurs 12/6: Janet and Jalisa

General guidelines:

  1. Your presentation should last for approximately 30 minutes (but no more than 30 minutes). Practice to make sure you are on time.
  2. You should present your main argument/thesis. This should be a well-developed argumentative thesis.
  3. You should also present the main supporting, theories, reasons, and possible counterarguments to your position. All of these should draw on concrete textual evidence.
  4. Supply a visual aid or handout. If you use a prezi or powerpoint, please have it ready to go before class begins.

Please post stuff…

Please posts links to the articles and videos for us to discuss on Tuesday. Include a comment that explains what you’re posting and, if necessary, why you’re posting it.
For duplicate posts, please just respond to the initial post/comment.

(>>>Tomorrow is going to be a very short class. Where are the rhetorical items for our discussion? Please post tonight so I/we have time to review them.)

Sorry… have to cancel conferences

Something semi-urgent has come up, and I have to cancel our meetings for today. I will reschedule for the Monday after Thanksgiving.

Again, sorry for any inconvenience, couldn’t be helped.

Conferences on Monday & Tuesday

Please request a 10-minute conference time in the comments section below. I will be available from 1:30 to 3:30 on Monday, and 11-noon on Tuesday. If those times don’t work for you, send me an email.

rhetoric and dissoi logoi

^ I’ll explain that phrase tomorrow…

But in the meantime, think about these two images and their potential relationship to our discussion on Thursday about the “battle” metaphor replacing the “family” metaphor for American politics:

Credit goes to Mark Newman, U of Michigan, for the images. http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mejn/election/2012/

If you have time as you’re reading Lakoff, take a look at this video. As a class, we weren’t entirely convinced that Jon Stewart’s position was a standard liberal view. What about Rachel Maddow’s?


Reading for tomorrow

Well, now that the election is behind us, we can remember other things… like what to read for tomorrow’s class.

Please read Part III of Moral Politics.

1st drafts due tomorrow

There is no reading due for tomorrow’s class, but don’t forget to bring 2 copies of your short analysis to class tomorrow for our in-class peer assessment.

And don’t forget to vote!


The ideograph

Here’s the text for McGee’s “Ideograph”.

As you’re reading, keep an eye out for two things. 1) How does McGee’s ideograph transform Burke’s account of how languageĀ  functions? 2)What is “the ideograph” and have you seen any particularly good examples of it during recent campaign activity?

Change of plans: book reviews moved to next week

Just as a reminder, since you all felt you needed more time to prepare your book reviews, we will move the presentations back to next week. The first 2 groups will present on Tuesday 10/16 and the second 2 groups will present on Thursday 10/18.

We will not have a class session tomorrow. Instead, please use the time to meet with your group members to plan your presentation, or to meet with me. (But send me an email if you plan on stopping by).